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Two Roads: Transforming Customer Data into Purchases & More


Two Roads aimed for ways to communicate with existing and potential customers. During this search, they found many tools that seemed to meet its needs. But when they started using Patch, an all-in-one solution that goes beyond communication, they realized there was a better - and more innovative- way to do it.

This customer retention platform provided them with not only personalized and automated channels to communicate with its customers but also valuable customer insights to transform actions into revenue.

25,000 +

TextChat Convos

$1 M +

Conversion Revenue


Average ROI


Two Roads is a company passionate about producing high-quality headwear for men. Its team of hat makers is dedicated to crafting hats with care and attention to detail. Using only the finest materials available to ensure that each hat not only looks good but also has longevity.

Whether its customers are climbing mountains or exploring new cities, Two Roads will be there with them every step of the way. Its hats are more than just headwear, they are symbols of the extraordinary lives its customers aspire to live.


Two Roads, like many other e-commerce companies, was searching for different ways of attracting new customers and encouraging its current ones to spend more with its brand. 

Communicating through different channels was one of their main strategies to create new purchases and engage opportunities to increase their revenue.
Two Roads started by outreaching, one by one, some of its best customers to bring special offers and build loyalty among them. This was a productive task because of the ROI of the efforts, but it was time-consuming. 

To improve this process and enhance its communication, they decided to use different tools to manage existing and potential customer relationships. They used MailChimp to send emails, Pipedrive as a CRM, and Patch’s TextChat tool, which allowed them to chat with customers on Two Roads’ website and then bring the conversation to their phones via SMS threads when needed. 

Having all of these different tools was a great method to connect with customers and increase purchases. Everything seemed to be right at the beginning, but while they were adding tools to this process, it became clear that its team needed to acquire new skills to master every tool and more time to take the most out of the investment made on each one. Another problem, visible only with time, was connecting the siloed data from each tool to make decisions to improve results in future marketing and retention efforts.


Don’t just take our word for it

Patch has developed more of an omnichannel approach. It just made more sense to go in deeper with Patch and get rid of other tools. Everything we need can be done together within Patch.”


Two Roads claims themself a revenue-first company. After implementing the Patch TextChat tool and becoming accustomed to its user-friendly interface, they discovered a ton of other tools that could replace the ones they were using at the time, not only with no extra cost but actually reducing their investment in their marketing tech stack. They perceived the benefits available through the platform's complete suite of marketing & retention tools at ⅓ of the cost.

For instance, Patch’s Email and SMS Blast tool was the perfect combination to reach its audience in a personalized way, through their automated journeys. This helped the Two Roads team to reduce its time-spending not only in setting up the messaging for two channels at the time but also by receiving valuable insights to make data-driven decisions for further campaigns.

Using Patch, Two Roads continued to grow its business while maintaining its existing customer base. Furthermore encouraging them to return for future purchases, resulting in a significant and recurring ROI.

“Patch has developed more of an omnichannel approach. It just made more sense to go in deeper with Patch and get rid of other tools. Everything we need can be done together within Patch.” Stated Coy Whittier, Head of Products at Two Roads.

The CRM and Dashboard component of Patch has also been beneficial in visualizing customer behavior and creating personalized customer segments. That was previously limited by Shopify's functionality for the company.

“I could look up any customer's information and even see maybe how many orders they've made in Shopify. But if I want to take that next step, I'm limited, and I can't really do much within Shopify.” expressed Coy. 

“I will usually look up a customer's information to find customers who meet certain criteria. And then send them an email, a text, or create a blast with a specific offer to get them spending again.” 

Two Roads also found the automation of loyalty campaigns particularly helpful, allowing them to quickly and easily reward valuable customers.

Overall, Patch has been an invaluable resource for Two Roads through their all-in-one retention platform, fully automated and customizable. It has helped them grow their business, retain their customers, and increase their revenue.



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Patch has proven to be the right path for Two Roads' customer retention and lifetime value. Resulting in a significant increase in revenue with a 20x ROI in email and text campaigns, Patch’s all-in-one marketing and retention platform is undoubtedly the way to go.

In addition, the platform has enabled the company to retain its existing customer base, improve customer experience and keep them engaged. That's a valuable alternative to solely relying on acquiring new customers, which is not just expensive but also hard to maintain in the long term. Now, Two Roads has a more convenient ROI thanks to constant and sustainable growth provided by an increasing returning customer base. 

“We can create different kinds of flows or automations based on whether our customer has already bought a specific hat from us in the past or not. Patch has allowed us to go beyond just that information dissemination and avoid spamming our customers with irrelevant messages. It forces us to think about what our customers want from us and what messages will get them to open emails. That drives us to think like customers and put ourselves in their shoes.”

About Patch

With more than a decade of experience under its belt, Patch has created a state-of-the-art platform. It simplifies customer retention and elevates customer lifetime value for eCommerce brands, with all the tools under one login.

What sets this platform apart is that it is the world's first retention platform to include an integrated RFM segmentation model. This groundbreaking feature automatically segments customers into groups that can be acted upon. This makes it easier than ever to create a customized and automated journey for each and every customer.


Patch your leaky customer bucket