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Experience the Power of Scalable Growth with Patch.

Automated Journeys Provide Scalable Revenue for Your Multi-Location Business

Simplify your marketing, optimize every location's performance, and protect your brand – all with the power of automation.

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Automate, Accelerate, and Amplify Revenue

Set It and Forget It with Patch's Automated Revenue Journeys.

Patch's automated journeys deliver consistent results across all locations, boosting revenue without added workload.

Automate essential campaigns so that revenue generation flows effortlessly, even as your business expands.

Using automations dashboard to patch customer leaks
Automate to Elevate

Ensure That Managers Can't Forget

Remove the burden of manual marketing tasks from busy managers. Patch automates critical actions, ensuring consistency and protecting your brand standards.

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Location-Specific Insights

Optimize Performance at Every Location

Patch's location-specific insights unlock the unique potential of each store. Identify improvement opportunities and drive growth across your entire network.

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Empower Your Organization

Centralized Control for a Unified Brand Experience

Maintain a consistent brand image with Patch's central control. Balance corporate strategy with local customization for a seamless customer experience.

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Your Data's Hidden Potential

Deploy a Universal Retention Strategy that Boosts Lifetime Value

Transform first-time customers into loyal fans with scalable retention campaigns. Patch's automation maximizes customer lifetime value at every location.

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Centralized Control, Local Success

Decide Permissions at the Location Level

Strike the perfect balance between flexibility and control. Patch's customizable permissions empower local teams while ensuring brand compliance.

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Performance Transparency

View Analytics as a Whole or by Location

Transform first-time customers into loyal fans with scalable retention campaigns. Patch's automation maximizes customer lifetime value at every location.


Experience the Power of Scalable Growth

Book a demo and discover how automated journeys can transform your multi-location business.


See what Multi-Unit Businesses are Saying About Patch 

  • “[Patch’s] solutions have helped us integrate digital marketing across our various locations… The platform allows us to personalize messages to different types of customers and automate them based on visit frequency.”

  • “Since we started using [Patch] we have thousands of people in our network, we don’t have to reach people through third-party advertising. It costs us a couple of cents to contact a customer, and even if it takes 10 messages to bring them back, it is extremely profitable.”

  • “[Patch] helps us bring customers back by allowing us to reward and engage our customers on a programmatic basis.”


See How Patch Fuels Multi-Location Growth

Learn how Patch can strengthen your organization and drive revenue. Request a demo today and let's discuss your growth goals.


See How Patch Fuels Multi-Location Growth

Learn how Patch can strengthen your organization and drive revenue. Request a demo today and let's discuss your growth goals.