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Loyalty and reward points help guide customers to complete valuable actions.

Encourage your customers to join your email marketing lists, follow and engage with you on social media, refer you to friends, make repeat purchases, or any other action that drives your business goals.


Incentivize customers to re-engage with your brand.

Most eCommerce businesses don't do enough to re-engage their first-time buyers, leading to customer churn and a lower ROI. With Patch's automated loyalty and rewards feature, you can customize who, how, and when to reward customer actions in a way that feels personal. Patch is 2-3x more effective at re-engaging customers, as compared to other loyalty solutions.

patch loyalty rewards hub displayed on mobile device

Reward actions that have the biggest impact on your business.

List Building

Incentivize customers to join your email list, text list, or birthday club with rewards. Get the most out of each and every customer.

Birthday & Anniversaries

Customers spend more money on holidays, birthdays, and special occasions; Patch makes sure they’re spending it with you.

Loyalty Cash

Drive sales and retain customers with loyalty cash. Allow customers to earn loyalty cash that can only be spent with you.

Incentivize Referrals

Patch automates the process of sending unique referral codes to each customer and automatically rewards them when they share.

“Use It or Lose It”

Encourage customers to purchase  with you again within a given timeframe. Set an expiration date to your loyalty cash and welcome back some familiar faces.

“Free Cash” Incentives

Engage your customers with loyalty cash giveaways. Leverage “free” cash rewards to get your customers to take actions aligned with your marketing priorities.

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Promote engagement, reward loyalty, and drive higher ROI.


See what Multi-Unit Businesses are Saying About Patch

  • “[Patch’s] solutions have helped us integrate digital marketing across our various locations… The platform allows us to personalize messages to different types of customers and automate them based on visit frequency.”

  • “Since we started using [Patch] we have thousands of people in our network, we don’t have to reach people through third-party advertising. It costs us a couple of cents to contact a customer, and even if it takes 10 messages to bring them back, it is extremely profitable.”

  • “[Patch] helps us bring customers back by allowing us to reward and engage our customers on a programmatic basis.”
