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Improve customer experience by bringing conversations off the web.

Stay connected with your customers in the way they prefer. Patch's TextChat Widget seamlessly converts web chats into text messages, so you can stay in touch with your customers even after they close the browser.

How the TextChat widget works.

  • Configure your chat widget to fit your business, with customizable text and styling.
  • Copy and paste the provided code into your website.
  • A customer visits your website and starts a conversation for sales, support, or more!
  • Get notified that a customer has reached out. Choose how you want to respond - through your Patch account or directly from your phone.
  • Keep the conversation going to provide the best customer support possible.
  • Customer convenience is key!
woman on customer engagement textchat
TextChat Widget (1)

The average customer closes their website chat in less than 1 minute.

Traditional website chat leaves users feeling stuck on their computer. Patch's TextChat widget let's visitors start a conversation via your website and then continue interacting with you from their phone, so they (and you!) can continue with your day.

"At first, we were hesitant to offer texting... but it couldn't have gone better. With Patch, our customers can spend days chatting with us via SMS before making a purchase. This has allowed us to create real, meaningful connections with them that have led to more purchases. Customers love to text simple questions, and most of the questions are buying questions."
Ginger P. Co-Founder,

Check out our own TextChat widget on the bottom right of this page to see how it works.

Seamlessly move from website chat to text.


See what Multi-Unit Businesses are Saying About Patch 

  • “[Patch’s] solutions have helped us integrate digital marketing across our various locations… The platform allows us to personalize messages to different types of customers and automate them based on visit frequency.”

  • “Since we started using [Patch] we have thousands of people in our network, we don’t have to reach people through third-party advertising. It costs us a couple of cents to contact a customer, and even if it takes 10 messages to bring them back, it is extremely profitable.”

  • “[Patch] helps us bring customers back by allowing us to reward and engage our customers on a programmatic basis.”
