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Patch: May 2023 New Features, Updates, & Bug Fixes

Explore exciting additions including the revolutionary Create 'FREE' Order & Discount Code block for Automations as well as Scheduled Messages



At Patch Retention, we're constantly striving to provide you with the best customer retention marketing tools to grow your business. We're excited to announce some incredible updates and new features for the Patch Retention platform. These enhancements, along with crucial bug fixes, are designed to help you create loyal customers and drive sustainable revenue.

New Features in Patch

Schedule Future Messages in Messenger

Messenger, our two-way texting tool, now allows you to schedule future SMS messages to be sent to a single contact directly from within the Messenger Inbox. This feature is perfect for personalized conversations with your customers, setting reminders, or sending timely follow-ups. Please note that this is different from scheduling a Blast or Automation, as it is designed for one-on-one conversations.

Email Replies Now Available in Messenger

When your customers respond to any email sent from your Patch account, you'll see their replies right in your Messenger Inbox. The best part is, you can reply to those email responses just like you would to a regular text message. It automatically selects the right communication gateway based on your customer's most recent message. If they last contacted you via email, the default reply option will be email. but if they sent you an SMS (Text) message the reply option defaults to your SMS gateway. Within the message/activity log, sms messages will be outlined in green, emails are outlined in blue and incoming TextChats are grey so you can identify which type of message the customer sent in. 

Create ‘FREE” Order Block - Automations (Shopify)

This innovative tool allows you to set up automated campaigns that generate and send free orders to customers who meet specific criteria, such as reaching a milestone or re-engaging at-risk customers.

Example Use Cases:

  • Reward customer milestones: Celebrate loyal customers who transition between RFM buckets by sending them a free VIP or Swag Bag.
  • Win back at-risk customers: Re-engage valuable customers who have moved to the At-Risk RFM bucket by sending them free products and discounts or gift cards to encourage repeat purchases.

Start leveraging the Create ‘Free’ Order block in your automations today and experience the benefits of personalized customer experiences and strengthened relationships.

Discount Code Block - Automations (Shopify)

This powerful tool empowers business owners to automatically generate personalized discount codes for their customers based on various behaviors such as purchases, birthdays, engagement, and referrals. With the ability to customize code details including prefixes, types, usage limits, expiration dates, and more, businesses can effortlessly reward their customers and drive sustainable revenue. The automation seamlessly runs in the background, eliminating the need to log into your store repeatedly. Increase customer lifetime value and foster loyalty with the Discount Code block in Patch Automations—set it up and watch your business thrive. 

Updated 3rd-Party Integration Features

Share data from Patch with other 3rd party tools with advanced settings for the HTTP Request Block via Automations. Our team has added advanced settings to the HTTP Request block within Automations to provide more flexibility for 3rd party integrations. Now you can easily add Custom Request Headers and incorporate SmartText in the Request URL to pass dynamic information. Connect Patch Retention to your existing tools and software for a seamless customer retention experience.

We have also included several bug fixes and updates to improve the overall experience for our clients. 

These updates include:

SmartLinks Main View Enhancements - We've made improvements to the SmartLinks main view page by adding a feature that allows you to view accounts, search, and view/set permissions more easily (Enterprise accounts only). This update ensures that you have all the information you need right at your fingertips.

Imports Interface Update - We've updated the Imports interface for better usability, making it simpler and more efficient to upload and manage your customer data within Patch Retention.

We're confident that these improvements will help you further your customer retention efforts. Our team is always here to support you and provide resources to make the most of these updates. If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to our support team at or via the TextChat widget in the bottom right corner of our site.

We look forward to helping your business grow and retain customers for life! 

To learn more about these updates and features, check out the help center articles below:

Create Free Order Block - Automations

Discount Code Block - Automations

How to Schedule a Message in Messenger

How to use the HTTP Request - Action Block

Account Settings - Imports

SmartLinks Main View

Get Started with Patch Retention Today!

Ready to supercharge your sales and elevate your customer engagement strategy? Try Patch Retention's powerful suite of tools today and unlock the full potential of your eCommerce business. 

Download our app today and experience the difference Patch Retention can make in driving customer retention and revenue growth. 


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