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Patch: Quarterly Release Summary (Q3)

We are super excited about all of the new features and updates our teams have been hard at work on …



We are super excited about all of the new features and updates our teams have been hard at work on over the last few months. We want to make sure you didn’t miss anything so here is a quick breakdown of what our Dev team released last quarter!

What’s New in Q3 2022

Customer Journeys: Shipping Updates Trigger Block(s)

Create personalized customer journeys through Patch Automations based on events such as Order Shipped, Order Out 4 Delivery, and Order Delivered. Shipping trigger blocks are not just for basic transactional notifications but are a great way to send time-specific content based on your customer receiving their product!



Shopify Shipping Blocks

Automation Customer Journeys

Customer Journeys: RFM Bucket Trigger Block(s)

You can now use Patch Automations to create targeted Customer Journeys for each bucket, for example:

  • Send a welcome text to all NEW customers
  • Send an incentive to any customer who moves to AT-RISK
  • Offer free loyalty cash to any customer who becomes LOST
  • Send a thank you card to any customer who becomes a CHAMPION

The Contact RFM trigger block allows you to create perfectly timed Customer Journeys for every segment and sub-segment of your customer database.



RFM Bucket Trigger Block

Retention Dashboard Overview

Automated Customer Journeys

vCard: Send Virtual Contact Cards

Introducing… vCards for Text Messaging. Rather than sending a text and waiting for people to add you, make it easy by sending them a vCard that has ALL of your contact information. Using vCards or ‘Virtual Business Cards’ with text messages can increase your conversions and build deeper relationships with your customers.



How to create a vCard

How to send a vCard to your Contacts

Stackable Widgets: Loyalty & TextChat… on the same side

You can now stack your Loyalty & Rewards widget below your TextChat widget on your website! Choose from having one of each side or both on the same side. 



Loyalty Cash Widget Overview

TextChat Widget Overview

Most Impactful Bug Fixes

  1. SMS Content Editor: Character count now considers Discount Code SmartText
  2. Server Error Messaging: No access to gateway verbiage updated for better clarity
  3. Automation Blocks Menu: Fits on all screen sizes (larger customer journeys)
  4. Send Test Message for SMS: Sends multiple messages as needed

Feature Updates & Improvements

  1. SmartText: Additional Contact Level Fields are now available
  2. Email Editor: Updated fallback fonts
  3. Event Log: Additional Event types added to the filter options for more customizable options when managing your customers
  4. Account Identifier Filter: Now available in the Event Log
  5. SmartText: Loyalty Points to Cash - Easily convert loyalty points to loyalty cash using SmartText via any INSERT menu

As always if you have any questions or need assistance please reach out to Customer Success at!

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